October 8, 2010

The dreaded "C" word

I wish I had more photographs of a lot of things.  I wish I had more of some certain people who unfortunately have succumbed to the dreaded "c" word....cancer.  Some can beat it - I know a sweet little girl just starting school who has.  A dear friend has managed to drop kick cancer right on its butt.    Met someone last night at the coffee shop I frequent who had cancer when she was 12 and now is going school to be a Child Oncologist.  I have lost a woman that was like a mother to me to cancer, another friend I had known for years to breast cancer and most recently my sweet amazing friend in May.   Why this topic?  Why so down at the beginning of a long weekend?  A weekend to be spent celebrating Thanksgiving?   Don't get me wrong.  I am thankful.  I have a  wonderful family - which includes my daughter and husband, parents, sister and also my friends who are also my "family".   I have the privilege of owning my own home, health, love and laughter.  I have so much to be thankful for.  Someone I know is expecting his first baby.  He is excited.  Next month he will be a new Daddy!  His partner is fighting for her life.  She has cancer.  The cancer was under control - or so they thought.  It is back with a vengence.  As they bring their new baby into the world she will have to start aggressive forms of cancer treatments in order to survive to see her child's firsts.  Every child should grow into an adult.  Every adult should have the chance to be a parent.   I don't understand why this has to happen?   I can only hope there are enough memories to be shared and photographs to show....just in case.   I am thankful.  I have lots.  I am heartbroken.  Some don't have so much to be thankful for.   Hug the ones you are thankful for.  Tell people you love them.  Make yourself some memories to last a lifetime....because we don't know how long that lifetime will be.

October 5, 2010

Concert memories

Ever been to a concert that will forever stay in your mind?   I think we have all been to a few that were the "best ever".   I think with all that I have seen - from my teenage "crush" Bon Jovi, to the Beach Boys (okay dating myself), to Rod Stewart, Def Leppard.....and now to my fav new genre country.  Johnny Reid...melts me.   Keith Urban amazing.  I could go on but my best memory was Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.  Made the journey to Seattle.  My best friend managed to get tickets at the last minute and there was no time for built up pent up excitement it was you're leaving work early and going to Seattle.  No cameras allowed (hmmm people sure did bring them) so I was stuck with my cell phone and as this was a few years ago now, the cell phones weren't as good as they are now.   The pictures aren't great but the memories are.   Gotta love those memories.   So thanks to my best friend for the tickets.  Thanks to Tim and Faith for putting on a never to forget show and thanks for that cell phone with the crappy camera....because at least I have something.

October 1, 2010

If you were given just one day...........

I lost a friend after a horrible 13 month battle with cancer in May.   I miss her more than words can say.   I miss her more than I would have thought.   I keep wanting to pick up the phone and talk with her.   I would call her on my lunch break and see how the treatments were going, how was she coping and most importantly to tell her that I loved her.

I had the honour and privilege of doing a shoot with her.  She wanted to surprise her man with pictures for Christmas.  It was a secret and our shoot date was a secret then the picking of the images she wanted to help me have her get printed were a secret then she did the big reveal at Christmas.  How would I have known that a year after that shoot that cancer would have so rudely and harshly invaded her body?  How would I have known that those pictures are the last ones of her healthy and happy and full of life?   Yes we have some pictures after - taken at a surprise birthday party given for her and random ones here and there - mostly in the hospital - but those ones aren't the same.

My question is if you were given just one day.....one day back with someone you have lost due to death, a fight, a move, what have you what would you do?  Losing her has taught me to take my camera, capture those memories because on a day that you miss her so much your heart feels like it is going to break, you can look at the pictures, grab the memories and smile.   Tears are shed indeed but I have those memories.  I will have those memories that help erase the way she was at the end....I can now remember more how she was and always will be....beautiful, vibrant and amazing.

I will forever love and miss you my friend.  Until we meet again.