November 28, 2011

It's been a year..............

Life gets busy.  Life gets crazy.  Here I thought I would be a "regular" blogger.  Wanting to share what is going on in my life.   Share my passion of photography.  Share little stories.  It has been almost a year since I last blogged.  January 2011.   Here we are our noses touching December 2011 and I haven't shared anything.  Not that what I have to share is of any me or anyone.

Life is so full of changes.  My life seems like a roller coaster.  More downs than ups.  I want it to even out.  I want to tell the world my secrets.  I want to ask questions and get the answers I need.  I want to be loved completely and fully.   I don't want fights.  I don't want confrontations.  I want laughter and happiness.

I have been so very lucky to have taken some "me" time this past summer and have gone and done some things I have always wanted to.  Things in my "back yard".   Sites I wanted to see.  Overcoming fears of heights and kicking ass doing it.   Taking my camera and capturing the laughs of those I am with or just the beauty of what is around me.  Just for fun.  I have then been even more fortunate to have had the opportunity to shoots some weddings, capture those special moments between the bride and the groom, to capture the fun of children at a family shoot in a park.  Its magical.  I love it.

2011 was about finding out what I want.  I haven't had the nerve to jump yet and fully commit to what I want or take the leap and risk falling going for what I may think I want.  I think I may fall but I have learned in 2011 you need to get up, shake yourself off and keep on going.  The only person that can make you happy is yourself.   The rest is like icing on the cake.   The shoots for fun, the shoots for money and memories for the clients who pay and the time I take to find out who I am.

I am wishing to you all a very Happy Holiday Season.  This Christmas will be very different indeed but different can be good.  Change can be scary and yet good.  Its all in what you make it.  I am looking forward to 2012 and to what it brings and for me learning even more about myself and what I want.

Happy Holidays

January 4, 2011

What does the New Year hold for you?

Another Christmas Season is over.  The trees have been put away, the lights taken down and the credit cards are taking a well deserved rest.  2011 is upon us. 

While taking my teenage daughter to basketball practice early this morning we heard a radio commentary on New Years Resolutions.  I told her I don't believe in them.  I believe you should do the best you can do, be the best you can be and live life to the fullest every day of the year and not just because its New Years.   But that is me.  

Are New Years resolutions important to you?  Do they mean anything to you?  Have you set any?  What does 2011 hold for you?

I plan to laugh more  Stress less.  2010 has been a horrible year for loss.  I lost a friend that meant the world to me lost my dear sweet nearly 21 year old cat and found out that the dreaded "C" word (cancer) has struck yet again someone close to my heart. 

May 2011 bring you love, happiness and laughter.  Make it the best you can.  Life is short.  Live it.