August 30, 2012

Too much time

I thought too much time had passed since my last blog entry.   Life, as I am sure you can attest to, is busy.  Crazy busy.   I'm a wife.  I'm a Mom.  I'm a friend.  I'm a photographer.  I'm busy.  We all are so much time has passed since I last blogged.  For some blogging is like an extension of themselves and kudos to those that (a) have the time to do it regularly and (b) have the courage to share what they feel.

I guess for some if they have too much time on their hands either they become lazy or productive.   I bet we all wish we had more time to do what makes us truly happy.   We need more time to spend with our friends and family and doing a hobby or something that brings us true passion.   I haven't had time to do a lot of what I have wanted to do lately.  Weather on the "West Coast" of British Columbia has impeded a lot, life with a teenager and her schedule, family time and then of course doing what makes me truly happy, photography.   I'm glad I fill my time with keeping busy.   I don't watch soap operas but admit that cooking shows are my guilty pleasures.  When I'm editing, just ask my husband, I'm gulity of watching reality shows and he has been subjected to many hours watching cooking reality shows to make me happy (thanks hon).   I'm as guilty as the next person in taking the easy route out and buying a chicken pot pie from Costco but I like to make sure that after working every day that there is a fresh cooked meal on the table - no processed foods, no pre-packaged foods and low sodium - and my hubby still has his gall bladder which is a huge feat!   I fit in baking in between laundry and editing and being a soccer Mom.   I go to bed tired but satisfied that I have filled my day with productivity and knowing that the ones I love have been taken care of....from a talk about school, to talks with my hubby about the day's happenings, to trying to catch up with my best friend....whom after all these years still puts up with me.  

The ones that I love inspire me.  Inspire me to be a better person.  To be less bitter.  To be less angry.  To appreciate what I have.   My daughter is my world.  She is my soccer star.   She is my basketball guru.   She is the most loving and kindest kid you will ever meet.  She has her "moments" and hey we all do.   She can be a typical teenager one moment then the next needing a hug from Momma or some laughs with Dad.   My he puts up with me I don't know.   He has always been there.  He understands me like no one else does.  He believes in me.  He trusts me.   He loves me.   My best words can describe her.   She has been around me through all my changes...from our teenage years to our ups and downs as adults.   There are others that make us and shape us.   Some who come into our lives and make a huge impact on our lives.   There are the ones that are with us for a short time and then are taken from this earth way too quick.   They make a huge impact on your life.  If you don't surround yourself with love and laughter and those that truly make you smile is life worth living?

I am blessed to be surrounded by people who love me.   No matter what.   I love to watch cooking shows.....I love a great bargain (I am cheap beyond belief), I love to go for a walk, I love a good book and I love trying out a new recipe but I love photography.   For me thats my passion.  We all need one.  We shouldn't and can't depend on anyone else to complete us to make us whole.   Photography has given me the outlet to express emotions - tears or laughter .... to capture memories.   For some its painting.  For some its mechanics.  For some its wine tasting.  Whatever it is find it for yourself.  You will find that you will make yourself truly happy by doing something that makes you....well you!

Thank you to the ones who love me.   Thank you to my clients who inspire me and thanks to me for loving myself enough to know that I my passion makes me happy and productive....and if memories are made in the meantime even better!

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