September 23, 2010

Camera in hand - what captures your attention?

I love people. I love capturing their smiles, laughs, their beauty....everything. 

What captures your eye when you pick up a camera?   I'm so used to doing people photography.  I get paid to take pictures of people.  Haven't had anyone come up and tell me they'll compensate me for taking the "just right" picture of a leaf or a flower so I gravitate towards people.   Must say it is my favourite thing to shoot.  People come in all sizes, shapes, so many different personalities and such, different styles to capture.

I went out just a few weeks ago with the camera and my best friend in tow.   Not a lot of time to go out.  Nothnig planned.  Just in the car we went and headed to the country (for where I live is just over the freeway and boom you are there) we didn't go far but saw a lot.   It was amazing to see what she "saw" vs. what I "saw".  We both ended up at the same field but what each of us managed to see through the camera is what amazed me.   I focused on this fence and tree....she tipped her camera up and caught the top of the trees but she saw the sky with the fluffy clouds.  Nearly the same spot but we saw something totally different.

Take a minute today - find the time - look around you and see all that you can see.  Look past what you immediately see and see past that to what others may see.  Might not be rain you see when you look a bit further but maybe a pretty tree, drops hitting a puddle.  Who knows.  Time to look past what we first see.

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