What does the term "memories" mean to you? The dictionary has one definition of memories as "the length of time over which recollection extends". I don't know about you but as each year goes by and I get older, life gets busier and crazier.....well my mind is fading and the old memory isn't what it used to be. Thank goodness for photographs. Somehow when I look over old albums and see the pictures starting back at me it brings back the moment - you remember details that you thought you had forgot, it puts a smile on your face as you look back at the crazy, tender, loving or funny memories that were captured.
I didn't get the big fancy wedding. The photos I do have from my wedding were from a friend who was a "professional".........I had a big whopping 24 photographs (this is back in the day of rolls of film not the fun and ease of digital media). Out of the 24 I have 2 pictures that I have framed. Two. I don't think any bride should have two photographs from one of the most important days of their lives.
I'm a Mother. I was blessed with one gorgeous (albeit now a teenager) daughter. The memories of her being so little are fading. The toothless grin, the first time riding her bike, the first day of school are all but a memory replaced with the ever growing, ever changing young woman that blesses our lives.
I want to be there for you as a "memory catcher". The one that captures those special times - your engagement, your wedding, your blossoming belly, the delights of the new babies, your children as they grow, their grads, the photographs to capture the "just because" moments.
Digital photography is growing an amazing speed. You no longer have to worry about the cost of buying film and the development charges. Get yourself a digital camera and a memory card and away you go. Unfortunately with this new found technology comes the "oh my Aunt has a digital camera she'll take our wedding pictures" or "my camera will work for my newborn's pictures". You may luck out. You may not. Let the professionals catch the memories to cherish for always and forever. I'm not saying don't pick up your camera and take pictures, get the goofy grins, the laughs the fun......let the people, like myself, who live to capture the moments grab them for you forever.
Thanks for listening!
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